Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

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5 Mall di Solo yang Wajib Kamu Kunjungi

5 Mall di Solo yang Wajib Kamu Kunjungi

Ada beberapa Mall di Solo yang wajib kamu ketahui dulu sebelum memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan ke Solo dan menikmati santapan di beberapa restoran western dan wedangan modern di sana. Siapa bilang Solo itu cuma wisata budaya tentang batik dan keraton? Justru Solo ini sekarang sedang berkembang jadi metropolitannya Jawa Tengah. Nggak cuma sebagai tempat jalan-jalan, mall di sini efektif juga kalau dijadikan pusat belanja di Solo.

Berikut 5 mall paling beken di kota Solo versi Youngnesia:

Solo Grand Mall

Solo Grand Mall

Lokasi: JL. Slamet Riyadi No. 273, Jawa Tengah 57141.
SGM adalah pusat belanja di Solo yang pertama kali buka dalam konsep mall. 4 lantai dibuka khusus untuk kamu yang mencari barang-barang murah tapi berkualitas atau sekadar ingin makan saja. Salah satu keuntungan datang ke Solo Grand Mall adalah kisaran harga barang yang sesuai dengan kantong anak muda menengah ke bawah, tenant yang variatif, dilengkapi pula dengan bioskop dan food court dengan begitu banyak pilihan makanan.

Solo Square

Solo Square

Lokasi: Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.451-455, Jawa Tengah 68111.
Solo Square adalah mall kedua yang buka di Solo. 4 lantai dibuka pula untuk memanjakan kamu dengan barang-barang yang berkelas. Di sini kamu bisa menemukan tenant-tenant multinasional seperti Pizza Hut, Excelso Cafe, J-Co, KFC, Gramedia, Sports Station, bioskop XXI, dll. Di sini juga ada food court dengan konsep yang mirip dengan food court SGM walau dengan skala yang lebih kecil. Banyak yang bilang Solo Square adalah mall mahalnya kota Solo. Tapi sebenarnya nggak kok, karena barang-barang di sini masih banyak terjangkau dan semakin ramai saja dari hari ke hari.

Solo Paragon Mall

Solo Paragon Mall

Lokasi: Yosodipuro No. 133, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57131.
Suksesnya Solo Square disusul oleh hadirnya Solo Paragon Mall. Solo Paragon memiliki target pasar menengah ke atas dengan hadirnya tenant-tenant mewah seperti Black Canyon Coffee, Solaria, Katsu Tei, Erha Apothecary, Princess Syahrini karaoke, bioskop XXI yang telah memiliki fasilitas The Premiere, Seven Billion Shines, dsb. Yang membedakan Solo Paragon Mall dengan mall-mall sebelumnya adalah adanya konsep food corridor di mana dalam satu koridor, kamu akan langsung menemukan spot-spot makan mewah dan enak yang harus kamu coba satu persatu. Di sini pula kamu bisa dengan mudah berganti-ganti tempat ngopi enak yang punya wifi, sebut saja Starbucks, Excelso Cafe, Black Canyon Coffee dan El’s Cafe.

Hartono Mall

Hartono Mall

Lokasi: Jl. Ir. Soekarno, Solo Baru, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Sebenarnya Hartono Mall ini lokasinya di Sukoharjo. Tapi karena cukup dekat dan cukup ngehits di kalangan anak muda Solo, jadilah Hartono Mall sebagai tempat gaul favorit akhir-akhir ini. Hartono Mall juga punya jurus pamungkas untuk menarik pengunjung, yakni dengan adanya Bioskop Platinum. Nonton di sini hanya 15.000 loh setiap hari Senin hingga Kamis. Bioskop ini nggak cuma menayangkan film-film box office saja lho, tetapi juga film-film anime dan film India yang ngehits layaknya Blitz Megaplex.

The Park Solo

Lokasi: Jl. Ir.Soekarno, Kec. Solo Baru, Kel. Madegondo, Grogol, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Mall di Solo yang hadir belakangan adalah The Park Solo. Kalau ngomongin mall mewah, The Park Solo jawabannya. Di sinilah pusat belanja di Solo kalau kamu mau membeli produk dari tenant-tenant merk internasional seperti Hammer, Hush Puppies, Etude House, dan ada pula Centro. Keistimewaan The Park Solo adalah tempat parkirnya yang luas dan sering dijadikan tempat mengadakan event-event besar. Selain itu, The Park Solo mendapat julukan surga ngopi bagi para penikmat kopi. Hanya dengan berjalan ke food park di sini, kamu dapat kesempatan untuk mencicipi kopi di My Kopi O, Moonleaf, Liberica, Starbucks, J Co, Score, Killiney, HOB, Old Town White Coffee, dsb.

Nah, buat kamu anak gaul Solo atau dari kota lain yang berencana jalan-jalan ke Solo, catat yuk objek-objek ini di agenda kamu. Mall di Solo yang sudah kamu kunjungi yang mana saja? Atau adakah yang belum kamu kunjungi? Share pengalaman kamu datang ke mall-mall ini ya, tulis yuk di bawah.

Dan Bedakan Mall Yang Ada Di KOTA SUKABUMI

Glaming...,Berkemah Cara Mewah

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Glamping, berkemah cara mewah

Lokasi glamping
Saat berlibur ke luar kota, Anda tentu butuh tempat menginap. Hotel, hostel, motel, dan sejenisnya sudah biasa. Bagaimana jika sesekali Anda mencoba berkemah?
Jika yang ada di pikiran Anda adalah tidur di tenda dengan fasilitas seadanya, Anda harus mencoba glamping. Glamping adalah glamorous camping. Kurang lebih berkemah cara mewah.
Berkemah versi glamping cocok untuk Anda yang ingin mencoba sensasi tidur di tenda namun tetap dengan fasilitas yang lengkap. Soal nyaman sudah jaminan.
Saat glamping Anda tak perlu repot membawa sleeping bag, tenda, atau bahkan peralatan masak. Di dalam tenda glamping, sudah tersedia tempat tidur, kamar mandi bersih, dan berbagai fasilitas sesuai dengan glamping pilihan.
Glamping sangat populer di kalangan wisatawan kaya di Eropa dan Amerika. Biasanya mereka mencari akomodasi perkemahan namun tetap ingin menikmati kemewahan.
Saat ini, di Indonesia pun sudah ada beberapa lokasi glamping yang cukup populer. Anda bisa mencoba sensasi berkemah dengan fasilitas lengkap di tiga lokasi berikut ini :

Legok Kondang

Legok Kondang Lodge berlokasi di Jalan Kurunangan (Jalan Raya Ciwidey - Kawah Putih) Lebakmuncang, Ciwidey, Jawa Barat. Di sana, Anda dapat merasakan sensasi glamping dengan suasana khas pegunungan.
Ada beberapa tipe tenda yang bisa dipilih, seperti standard, deluxe, family, luxury, dan luxury sunrise. Biaya sewa tenda per malamnya sekitar Rp1 juta - Rp3 jutaan tergantung tenda yang dipilih. Tenda bisa disewa untuk dua sampai puluhan orang.
Ada fasilitas lain yang bisa ditambahkan, yaitu barbecue, wisata petik stroberi, paintball, atau rafting.


Tanakita terletak di depan Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango, Kadudampit, Cisaat, Sukabumi. Glamping yang berada di kaki gunung ini memiliki luas sekitar 2 hektar dan dapat menampung 200 orang. Tiap tenda dilengkapi tempat tidur, kantung tidur, bantal, juga stop kontak.
Tak perlu khawatir susah mencari kamar mandi, karena sudah ada di dalam setiap tenda, berikut dengan pilihan air panas dan air dingin. Biaya sewa tenda di Tanakita sekitar Rp550 ribu per orang sudah termasuk tiga kali makan.
Untuk mencapai lokasi, Anda yang dari arah Bogor bisa menuju Sukabumi melewati Ciawi. Tepat sebelum Polres Cisaat, ada jalan menuju ke kiri. Lurus sampai Anda menemukan gerbang Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango (TNGP) di Kadudampit. Tanakita terletak sekitar 200 meter arah ke kiri dari gerbang TNGP.

Highland Park

A photo posted by Dian Juarsa (@dianjuarsa) on
Ingin mencoba glamping yang tak jauh dari Jakarta? Cobalah menepi ke kota Bogor. Di sana ada Highland Park yang berlokasi di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Gunung Pancar, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat.
"Glamping membuat kita bisa mewujudkan mimpi menginap di tengah hutan dengan nyaman. Tanpa takut ada gangguan," ujar Yogi Gandaprawira, pemilik Glamping Gunung Pancar, dikutip Kompas.
Ada banyak model tenda yang disediakan di Highland Park, dari mulai tenda standar, superior, barak, sampai model rumah pohon, tenda model mongolian dan apache yang mirip tenda suku Indian.
Fasilitas dalam tenda antara lain tempat tidur, AC, kamar mandi dengan pilihan air panas dan air dingin, dan televisi. Fasilitas di sekitar tenda, ada mini golf, flying fox, waterboom, berkuda, biliar, spa, dan karaoke.

Senin, 22 Mei 2017

Glamping in Near Of Jakarta

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6 Glamorous Camping (Glamping) Grounds near Jakarta Living in Indonesia Life Travel May 9, 2016 3 8663 Camping is probably the best ways to spend a weekend with you family and friends. Escaping from the concrete jungle that is Jakarta and enjoying the lush green forest with clean, fresh air is surely a good alternative to refresh your mind. Instead of staying the night in the conventional hotel, camping will sure give you extraordinary experience. If you don’t feel like purchasing or hauling a camping set, then you can try “glamping” or glamorous camping; where you will get all the fun things of staying outdoor, but without all the rush of regular camping. You don’t need to cook, or make the tent. Just enjoy! Here are our recommended “glamping” grounds you can try next long weekend: Tanakita Camping Ground, Sukabumi 5 Glamorous Camping Grounds near Jakarta Located in the Gede Pangrango National Park, Sukabumi, Tanakita Camping Ground is an ideal location to camp. The temperature is ranging from 20° to 22°C during the day, so you can imagine how fresh the air is in there. Tanakita provides necessary equipment for convenient camping such as tent, warm mattress, sleeping bags, toilet, and bathroom with hot running water! Rate: Rp550.000/night (includes 3 meals and 2 snacks) Address: Situgunung, Kadudampit, Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java Contact: Jalan Lamandau IV No 17, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Phone 021-70200469 Sayang Heulang, Bandung Sayang Heulang This glamping ground is a part of Dusun Bambu Leisure Park which is home to the Kampung Layung Sundanese villa, CafĂ© Burangrang, Lutung Kasarung, and Purbasari restaurant. You can enjoy a night of glamping here with the view of Burangrang Mountain. Adopting a premium camp concept, Sayang Heulang or Eagle Camp is equipped with modern facilities that allow guests to feel privileged when spending the night in the open. Rate: Single Camping Deck : Rp1.700.000++ (1 tent, 2 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Double Camping Deck : Rp2.750.000++ (2 tent, 4 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Address: Jalan Kolonel Matsuri KM 11, Situ Lembang, West Bandung Phone 022-82782020 Gunung Pancar, Bogor Gunung Pancar Not only one of the must visit place in Bogor, this is one of the “hippest” camping grounds among Jakarta and Bandung youngsters. Gunung Pancar camping ground offers both regular camping area and glamping facilities. The area is in the middle of lush pine forest with fresh air and calm ambience. For the glamping, a minimum of 4 people booking is necessary to rent a glamping tent. Rate: Rp330.000/person/night (includes tent, electricity, bed, and BBQ grill). Additional Rp55.000/person for dinner and breakfast Address: Gunung Pancar, KP Ciburial, Karang Tengah village, Babakan Madang, Bogor West Java Phone 081213446574 (office hour) Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis is an exclusive camping ground located in the foot of Salak Mountain, about 1 hour drive from Jakarta. There are 12 tents that each can occupy up to 4 persons, a lodge, and 2 bungalows. The parking area is not too wide but it can fit 8 to 10 cars. Some facilities in Consina Bumi Geulis area are swimming pool, electricity, toilet, and bathroom. Rate: Starts from Rp200.000 per person/night, includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner. For additional outbound and gathering activities, the price starts from Rp85.000/person. Address: Jalan Raya Golf Gunung Geulis No 3, Pasir Angin village, Gadog, Megamendung, West Java Contact 021-83705253 Legok Kondang, Ciwidey Legok Kondang Located in Ciwidey, a couple of hours south of Bandung, Legok Kondang offers beautiful scenery and a spacious ground for plenty of outdoor activities. It is also really close to Kawah Putih and the strawberry farms around the area. At this glamping area you can still get cable TV and wifi (well, it is named glamorous camping for reasons!) Rate: Rp1.050.000/tent/night for standard room Rp1.750.000/tent/night for family size tent Additional Rp120.000/person if you want to enjoy a barbecue dinner cooked in front of your tent. For reservation and info you can contact Marcel at 081318179889 Trizara Resort trizara If you are a nature enthusiast who wants a nice place to admire and enjoy the nature without having to compromise on convenience and comfort while doing it, Trizara Resort may be a perfect place for you. Here you can enjoy the glamorous camping experiences with your friends and family, with the complete facilities and exquisite service. You can also do many fun activities here such as yoga, outdoor zumba, BBQ party, board games, and many more! Address: Jalan Pasirwangi Wetan, Lembang, Bandung, West Java Contact: 022-82780085 / trizararesort@gmail.com Rate: Rp1,600,000 – Rp1,800,000/night (exclusive of tax) If you spend your holiday at these places, don’t forget to bring our finest camera as the place is very Instagram-able! You must want to capture as many moment as possible. During the night you can enjoy the cold air while stargazing to the clear sky. Sound fascinating, right?

...Copyright (C) https://www.indoindians.com . Read more at https://www.indoindians.com/5-glamorous-camping-glamping-grounds-near-jakarta/ .
6 Glamorous Camping (Glamping) Grounds near Jakarta Living in Indonesia Life Travel May 9, 2016 3 8663 Camping is probably the best ways to spend a weekend with you family and friends. Escaping from the concrete jungle that is Jakarta and enjoying the lush green forest with clean, fresh air is surely a good alternative to refresh your mind. Instead of staying the night in the conventional hotel, camping will sure give you extraordinary experience. If you don’t feel like purchasing or hauling a camping set, then you can try “glamping” or glamorous camping; where you will get all the fun things of staying outdoor, but without all the rush of regular camping. You don’t need to cook, or make the tent. Just enjoy! Here are our recommended “glamping” grounds you can try next long weekend: Tanakita Camping Ground, Sukabumi 5 Glamorous Camping Grounds near Jakarta Located in the Gede Pangrango National Park, Sukabumi, Tanakita Camping Ground is an ideal location to camp. The temperature is ranging from 20° to 22°C during the day, so you can imagine how fresh the air is in there. Tanakita provides necessary equipment for convenient camping such as tent, warm mattress, sleeping bags, toilet, and bathroom with hot running water! Rate: Rp550.000/night (includes 3 meals and 2 snacks) Address: Situgunung, Kadudampit, Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java Contact: Jalan Lamandau IV No 17, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Phone 021-70200469 Sayang Heulang, Bandung Sayang Heulang This glamping ground is a part of Dusun Bambu Leisure Park which is home to the Kampung Layung Sundanese villa, CafĂ© Burangrang, Lutung Kasarung, and Purbasari restaurant. You can enjoy a night of glamping here with the view of Burangrang Mountain. Adopting a premium camp concept, Sayang Heulang or Eagle Camp is equipped with modern facilities that allow guests to feel privileged when spending the night in the open. Rate: Single Camping Deck : Rp1.700.000++ (1 tent, 2 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Double Camping Deck : Rp2.750.000++ (2 tent, 4 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Address: Jalan Kolonel Matsuri KM 11, Situ Lembang, West Bandung Phone 022-82782020 Gunung Pancar, Bogor Gunung Pancar Not only one of the must visit place in Bogor, this is one of the “hippest” camping grounds among Jakarta and Bandung youngsters. Gunung Pancar camping ground offers both regular camping area and glamping facilities. The area is in the middle of lush pine forest with fresh air and calm ambience. For the glamping, a minimum of 4 people booking is necessary to rent a glamping tent. Rate: Rp330.000/person/night (includes tent, electricity, bed, and BBQ grill). Additional Rp55.000/person for dinner and breakfast Address: Gunung Pancar, KP Ciburial, Karang Tengah village, Babakan Madang, Bogor West Java Phone 081213446574 (office hour) Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis is an exclusive camping ground located in the foot of Salak Mountain, about 1 hour drive from Jakarta. There are 12 tents that each can occupy up to 4 persons, a lodge, and 2 bungalows. The parking area is not too wide but it can fit 8 to 10 cars. Some facilities in Consina Bumi Geulis area are swimming pool, electricity, toilet, and bathroom. Rate: Starts from Rp200.000 per person/night, includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner. For additional outbound and gathering activities, the price starts from Rp85.000/person. Address: Jalan Raya Golf Gunung Geulis No 3, Pasir Angin village, Gadog, Megamendung, West Java Contact 021-83705253 Legok Kondang, Ciwidey Legok Kondang Located in Ciwidey, a couple of hours south of Bandung, Legok Kondang offers beautiful scenery and a spacious ground for plenty of outdoor activities. It is also really close to Kawah Putih and the strawberry farms around the area. At this glamping area you can still get cable TV and wifi (well, it is named glamorous camping for reasons!) Rate: Rp1.050.000/tent/night for standard room Rp1.750.000/tent/night for family size tent Additional Rp120.000/person if you want to enjoy a barbecue dinner cooked in front of your tent. For reservation and info you can contact Marcel at 081318179889 Trizara Resort trizara If you are a nature enthusiast who wants a nice place to admire and enjoy the nature without having to compromise on convenience and comfort while doing it, Trizara Resort may be a perfect place for you. Here you can enjoy the glamorous camping experiences with your friends and family, with the complete facilities and exquisite service. You can also do many fun activities here such as yoga, outdoor zumba, BBQ party, board games, and many more! Address: Jalan Pasirwangi Wetan, Lembang, Bandung, West Java Contact: 022-82780085 / trizararesort@gmail.com Rate: Rp1,600,000 – Rp1,800,000/night (exclusive of tax) If you spend your holiday at these places, don’t forget to bring our finest camera as the place is very Instagram-able! You must want to capture as many moment as possible. During the night you can enjoy the cold air while stargazing to the clear sky. Sound fascinating, right?

...Copyright (C) https://www.indoindians.com . Read more at https://www.indoindians.com/5-glamorous-camping-glamping-grounds-near-jakarta/ .
6 Glamorous Camping (Glamping) Grounds near Jakarta Living in Indonesia Life Travel May 9, 2016 3 8663 Camping is probably the best ways to spend a weekend with you family and friends. Escaping from the concrete jungle that is Jakarta and enjoying the lush green forest with clean, fresh air is surely a good alternative to refresh your mind. Instead of staying the night in the conventional hotel, camping will sure give you extraordinary experience. If you don’t feel like purchasing or hauling a camping set, then you can try “glamping” or glamorous camping; where you will get all the fun things of staying outdoor, but without all the rush of regular camping. You don’t need to cook, or make the tent. Just enjoy! Here are our recommended “glamping” grounds you can try next long weekend: Tanakita Camping Ground, Sukabumi 5 Glamorous Camping Grounds near Jakarta Located in the Gede Pangrango National Park, Sukabumi, Tanakita Camping Ground is an ideal location to camp. The temperature is ranging from 20° to 22°C during the day, so you can imagine how fresh the air is in there. Tanakita provides necessary equipment for convenient camping such as tent, warm mattress, sleeping bags, toilet, and bathroom with hot running water! Rate: Rp550.000/night (includes 3 meals and 2 snacks) Address: Situgunung, Kadudampit, Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java Contact: Jalan Lamandau IV No 17, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Phone 021-70200469 Sayang Heulang, Bandung Sayang Heulang This glamping ground is a part of Dusun Bambu Leisure Park which is home to the Kampung Layung Sundanese villa, CafĂ© Burangrang, Lutung Kasarung, and Purbasari restaurant. You can enjoy a night of glamping here with the view of Burangrang Mountain. Adopting a premium camp concept, Sayang Heulang or Eagle Camp is equipped with modern facilities that allow guests to feel privileged when spending the night in the open. Rate: Single Camping Deck : Rp1.700.000++ (1 tent, 2 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Double Camping Deck : Rp2.750.000++ (2 tent, 4 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Address: Jalan Kolonel Matsuri KM 11, Situ Lembang, West Bandung Phone 022-82782020 Gunung Pancar, Bogor Gunung Pancar Not only one of the must visit place in Bogor, this is one of the “hippest” camping grounds among Jakarta and Bandung youngsters. Gunung Pancar camping ground offers both regular camping area and glamping facilities. The area is in the middle of lush pine forest with fresh air and calm ambience. For the glamping, a minimum of 4 people booking is necessary to rent a glamping tent. Rate: Rp330.000/person/night (includes tent, electricity, bed, and BBQ grill). Additional Rp55.000/person for dinner and breakfast Address: Gunung Pancar, KP Ciburial, Karang Tengah village, Babakan Madang, Bogor West Java Phone 081213446574 (office hour) Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis is an exclusive camping ground located in the foot of Salak Mountain, about 1 hour drive from Jakarta. There are 12 tents that each can occupy up to 4 persons, a lodge, and 2 bungalows. The parking area is not too wide but it can fit 8 to 10 cars. Some facilities in Consina Bumi Geulis area are swimming pool, electricity, toilet, and bathroom. Rate: Starts from Rp200.000 per person/night, includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner. For additional outbound and gathering activities, the price starts from Rp85.000/person. Address: Jalan Raya Golf Gunung Geulis No 3, Pasir Angin village, Gadog, Megamendung, West Java Contact 021-83705253 Legok Kondang, Ciwidey Legok Kondang Located in Ciwidey, a couple of hours south of Bandung, Legok Kondang offers beautiful scenery and a spacious ground for plenty of outdoor activities. It is also really close to Kawah Putih and the strawberry farms around the area. At this glamping area you can still get cable TV and wifi (well, it is named glamorous camping for reasons!) Rate: Rp1.050.000/tent/night for standard room Rp1.750.000/tent/night for family size tent Additional Rp120.000/person if you want to enjoy a barbecue dinner cooked in front of your tent. For reservation and info you can contact Marcel at 081318179889 Trizara Resort trizara If you are a nature enthusiast who wants a nice place to admire and enjoy the nature without having to compromise on convenience and comfort while doing it, Trizara Resort may be a perfect place for you. Here you can enjoy the glamorous camping experiences with your friends and family, with the complete facilities and exquisite service. You can also do many fun activities here such as yoga, outdoor zumba, BBQ party, board games, and many more! Address: Jalan Pasirwangi Wetan, Lembang, Bandung, West Java Contact: 022-82780085 / trizararesort@gmail.com Rate: Rp1,600,000 – Rp1,800,000/night (exclusive of tax) If you spend your holiday at these places, don’t forget to bring our finest camera as the place is very Instagram-able! You must want to capture as many moment as possible. During the night you can enjoy the cold air while stargazing to the clear sky. Sound fascinating, right?

...Copyright (C) https://www.indoindians.com . Read more at https://www.indoindians.com/5-glamorous-camping-glamping-grounds-near-jakarta/ .
6 Glamorous Camping (Glamping) Grounds near Jakarta Living in Indonesia Life Travel May 9, 2016 3 8663 Camping is probably the best ways to spend a weekend with you family and friends. Escaping from the concrete jungle that is Jakarta and enjoying the lush green forest with clean, fresh air is surely a good alternative to refresh your mind. Instead of staying the night in the conventional hotel, camping will sure give you extraordinary experience. If you don’t feel like purchasing or hauling a camping set, then you can try “glamping” or glamorous camping; where you will get all the fun things of staying outdoor, but without all the rush of regular camping. You don’t need to cook, or make the tent. Just enjoy! Here are our recommended “glamping” grounds you can try next long weekend: Tanakita Camping Ground, Sukabumi 5 Glamorous Camping Grounds near Jakarta Located in the Gede Pangrango National Park, Sukabumi, Tanakita Camping Ground is an ideal location to camp. The temperature is ranging from 20° to 22°C during the day, so you can imagine how fresh the air is in there. Tanakita provides necessary equipment for convenient camping such as tent, warm mattress, sleeping bags, toilet, and bathroom with hot running water! Rate: Rp550.000/night (includes 3 meals and 2 snacks) Address: Situgunung, Kadudampit, Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java Contact: Jalan Lamandau IV No 17, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta Phone 021-70200469 Sayang Heulang, Bandung Sayang Heulang This glamping ground is a part of Dusun Bambu Leisure Park which is home to the Kampung Layung Sundanese villa, CafĂ© Burangrang, Lutung Kasarung, and Purbasari restaurant. You can enjoy a night of glamping here with the view of Burangrang Mountain. Adopting a premium camp concept, Sayang Heulang or Eagle Camp is equipped with modern facilities that allow guests to feel privileged when spending the night in the open. Rate: Single Camping Deck : Rp1.700.000++ (1 tent, 2 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Double Camping Deck : Rp2.750.000++ (2 tent, 4 bed mattress, private entrance garden, bonfire and BBQ facilities) Address: Jalan Kolonel Matsuri KM 11, Situ Lembang, West Bandung Phone 022-82782020 Gunung Pancar, Bogor Gunung Pancar Not only one of the must visit place in Bogor, this is one of the “hippest” camping grounds among Jakarta and Bandung youngsters. Gunung Pancar camping ground offers both regular camping area and glamping facilities. The area is in the middle of lush pine forest with fresh air and calm ambience. For the glamping, a minimum of 4 people booking is necessary to rent a glamping tent. Rate: Rp330.000/person/night (includes tent, electricity, bed, and BBQ grill). Additional Rp55.000/person for dinner and breakfast Address: Gunung Pancar, KP Ciburial, Karang Tengah village, Babakan Madang, Bogor West Java Phone 081213446574 (office hour) Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis Consina Bumi Geulis is an exclusive camping ground located in the foot of Salak Mountain, about 1 hour drive from Jakarta. There are 12 tents that each can occupy up to 4 persons, a lodge, and 2 bungalows. The parking area is not too wide but it can fit 8 to 10 cars. Some facilities in Consina Bumi Geulis area are swimming pool, electricity, toilet, and bathroom. Rate: Starts from Rp200.000 per person/night, includes accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner. For additional outbound and gathering activities, the price starts from Rp85.000/person. Address: Jalan Raya Golf Gunung Geulis No 3, Pasir Angin village, Gadog, Megamendung, West Java Contact 021-83705253 Legok Kondang, Ciwidey Legok Kondang Located in Ciwidey, a couple of hours south of Bandung, Legok Kondang offers beautiful scenery and a spacious ground for plenty of outdoor activities. It is also really close to Kawah Putih and the strawberry farms around the area. At this glamping area you can still get cable TV and wifi (well, it is named glamorous camping for reasons!) Rate: Rp1.050.000/tent/night for standard room Rp1.750.000/tent/night for family size tent Additional Rp120.000/person if you want to enjoy a barbecue dinner cooked in front of your tent. For reservation and info you can contact Marcel at 081318179889 Trizara Resort trizara If you are a nature enthusiast who wants a nice place to admire and enjoy the nature without having to compromise on convenience and comfort while doing it, Trizara Resort may be a perfect place for you. Here you can enjoy the glamorous camping experiences with your friends and family, with the complete facilities and exquisite service. You can also do many fun activities here such as yoga, outdoor zumba, BBQ party, board games, and many more! Address: Jalan Pasirwangi Wetan, Lembang, Bandung, West Java Contact: 022-82780085 / trizararesort@gmail.com Rate: Rp1,600,000 – Rp1,800,000/night (exclusive of tax) If you spend your holiday at these places, don’t forget to bring our finest camera as the place is very Instagram-able! You must want to capture as many moment as possible. During the night you can enjoy the cold air while stargazing to the clear sky. Sound fascinating, right?

...Copyright (C) https://www.indoindians.com . Read more at https://www.indoindians.com/5-glamorous-camping-glamping-grounds-near-jakarta/ .

Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Perbedaan Solo dan Sukabumi

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5 Mall di Solo yang Wajib Kamu Kunjungi

5 Mall di Solo yang Wajib Kamu Kunjungi

Ada beberapa Mall di Solo yang wajib kamu ketahui dulu sebelum memutuskan untuk jalan-jalan ke Solo dan menikmati santapan di beberapa restoran western dan wedangan modern di sana. Siapa bilang Solo itu cuma wisata budaya tentang batik dan keraton? Justru Solo ini sekarang sedang berkembang jadi metropolitannya Jawa Tengah. Nggak cuma sebagai tempat jalan-jalan, mall di sini efektif juga kalau dijadikan pusat belanja di Solo.

Mall Di Kota Sukabumi

Solo Grand Mall

Solo Grand Mall

Lokasi: JL. Slamet Riyadi No. 273, Jawa Tengah 57141.
SGM adalah pusat belanja di Solo yang pertama kali buka dalam konsep mall. 4 lantai dibuka khusus untuk kamu yang mencari barang-barang murah tapi berkualitas atau sekadar ingin makan saja. Salah satu keuntungan datang ke Solo Grand Mall adalah kisaran harga barang yang sesuai dengan kantong anak muda menengah ke bawah, tenant yang variatif, dilengkapi pula dengan bioskop dan food court dengan begitu banyak pilihan makanan.

Solo Square

Solo Square

Lokasi: Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.451-455, Jawa Tengah 68111.
Solo Square adalah mall kedua yang buka di Solo. 4 lantai dibuka pula untuk memanjakan kamu dengan barang-barang yang berkelas. Di sini kamu bisa menemukan tenant-tenant multinasional seperti Pizza Hut, Excelso Cafe, J-Co, KFC, Gramedia, Sports Station, bioskop XXI, dll. Di sini juga ada food court dengan konsep yang mirip dengan food court SGM walau dengan skala yang lebih kecil. Banyak yang bilang Solo Square adalah mall mahalnya kota Solo. Tapi sebenarnya nggak kok, karena barang-barang di sini masih banyak terjangkau dan semakin ramai saja dari hari ke hari.

Solo Paragon Mall

Solo Paragon Mall

Lokasi: Yosodipuro No. 133, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57131.
Suksesnya Solo Square disusul oleh hadirnya Solo Paragon Mall. Solo Paragon memiliki target pasar menengah ke atas dengan hadirnya tenant-tenant mewah seperti Black Canyon Coffee, Solaria, Katsu Tei, Erha Apothecary, Princess Syahrini karaoke, bioskop XXI yang telah memiliki fasilitas The Premiere, Seven Billion Shines, dsb. Yang membedakan Solo Paragon Mall dengan mall-mall sebelumnya adalah adanya konsep food corridor di mana dalam satu koridor, kamu akan langsung menemukan spot-spot makan mewah dan enak yang harus kamu coba satu persatu. Di sini pula kamu bisa dengan mudah berganti-ganti tempat ngopi enak yang punya wifi, sebut saja Starbucks, Excelso Cafe, Black Canyon Coffee dan El’s Cafe.

Hartono Mall

Hartono Mall

Lokasi: Jl. Ir. Soekarno, Solo Baru, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Sebenarnya Hartono Mall ini lokasinya di Sukoharjo. Tapi karena cukup dekat dan cukup ngehits di kalangan anak muda Solo, jadilah Hartono Mall sebagai tempat gaul favorit akhir-akhir ini. Hartono Mall juga punya jurus pamungkas untuk menarik pengunjung, yakni dengan adanya Bioskop Platinum. Nonton di sini hanya 15.000 loh setiap hari Senin hingga Kamis. Bioskop ini nggak cuma menayangkan film-film box office saja lho, tetapi juga film-film anime dan film India yang ngehits layaknya Blitz Megaplex.

The Park Solo

Lokasi: Jl. Ir.Soekarno, Kec. Solo Baru, Kel. Madegondo, Grogol, Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.
Mall di Solo yang hadir belakangan adalah The Park Solo. Kalau ngomongin mall mewah, The Park Solo jawabannya. Di sinilah pusat belanja di Solo kalau kamu mau membeli produk dari tenant-tenant merk internasional seperti Hammer, Hush Puppies, Etude House, dan ada pula Centro. Keistimewaan The Park Solo adalah tempat parkirnya yang luas dan sering dijadikan tempat mengadakan event-event besar. Selain itu, The Park Solo mendapat julukan surga ngopi bagi para penikmat kopi. Hanya dengan berjalan ke food park di sini, kamu dapat kesempatan untuk mencicipi kopi di My Kopi O, Moonleaf, Liberica, Starbucks, J Co, Score, Killiney, HOB, Old Town White Coffee, dsb.

Nah, buat kamu anak gaul Solo atau dari kota lain yang berencana jalan-jalan ke Solo, catat yuk objek-objek ini di agenda kamu. Mall di Solo yang sudah kamu kunjungi yang mana saja? Atau adakah yang belum kamu kunjungi? Share pengalaman kamu datang ke mall-mall ini ya, tulis yuk di bawah.